As technology creators, we are truly in our element when it comes to the subject of special tools. How do you achieve the objective specified by the customer as rapidly as possible? What is technologically possible? And what is economically meaningful?
With every project, we find the right answer to each of these questions. Which means that, ‘below the line’, you obtain the ideal solution for every task.
for ball roller spindles, trapezoidal threaded spindles or special threaded spindles.
Over the last two decades, our company has been involved in the production of threaded high-speed rotating tools of this kind. The outcome is that our tools are capable of withstanding extreme loadings, are resistant to mechanical wear and deliver maximum service lives and the highest standards of productivity.
First and foremost, the outstanding feature of our tools is the use of CBN (cubic boron nitride), an exceptionally robust material. CBN is a synthetic material made from the elements of boron and nitrogen.
The preferred form of use for CBN is wherever rough machining is anticipated to involve high mechanical cutter loadings and high temperature stresses. These tools are particularly well suited to the machining of hard types of casting and of heat-resistant alloys. These for example include hardened steel, cast iron and hard coatings. The CBN content in combination with a ceramic bonding agent delivers improved resistance to mechanical wear as well as chemical stability. There are good reasons why CBN is gradually advancing into the fields of round, profile and contour-grinding operations.
The benefits of CBN
• Extreme hardness
• High ductile strength
• High thermal conductivity
• High levels of temperature resistance up to 2000° C
• Thermally stable up to and above 1200° C
• High level of abrasion resistance – CBN is relatively brittle, but tougher and harder than cutting ceramics
• Compared to other cutting materials, tools wear a great deal more slowly
• Better form integrity and dimensional precision
• High chemical stability during the chip-cutting process
nobatec manufactures all of its high-speed rotary tools – including profiles and their brackets. Thanks to this in-house production, we are extremely flexible, particularly in respect of our delivery lead times.

High-speed rotary cutters from nobatec are used in the manufacture of threads and worm threads, and form the basis of cost-effective production for our customers. Specifically in this area, it is one of our daily tasks to determine very precisely where the limits of technical and economical feasibility lie, and to make use of the full extent of technological capabilities. It is this level of precision and creativity that you find reflected in every one of our tools.

Our tool holders deliver optimized chip-cutting chambers. Effortless and problem-free extraction of swarf is assured by means of tool tip inserts with ideally adapted material-specific cutting geometries (meeting the ISO standard or plant-polished sections). In terms of daily practice, this translates into significant time savings, high levels of planning reliability and low component tolerances. When using precision reversible tool tips, we can guarantee a diametric tolerance of +/- 0.02 mm.
For maximum efficiency, we also have multi-edged reversible cutting tips in our product range. Here, the bracket is adapted to suit the reversible tool tip. In this way, we can reduce the cost per cutting tip while at the same time increasing the cost-effectiveness of the tools.

These are used wherever tight workpiece tolerances are stipulated, and/or where the ratio of diameter to length exceeds 1:3.
The problem
Vibrations are undesirable side effectives of the precision machining of materials. Their origin depends on a variety of causal factors that defy clear identification and that are influenced by the entire ‘Machine-Tool-Machining Conditions-Workpiece’ system. ‘Rattling’ has an adverse impact on the roughness of the surface being machined. A key role in this is played by dimensional integrity and, not least, by the tool service life, in particular when using very hard high-performance cutting materials.
The insight
To do justice to the growing economic requirements associated with mechanical machining, the industry is calling for ever more tool holder materials with enhanced vibration-damping characteristics. Starting with specified workpiece conditions and machining data, as well as existing mechanical equipment, it is possible to establish that vibrations can only be affected favorably by materials with enhanced levels of rigidity and better damping characteristics than steel.
Our solution
The use of vibration-damping materials offers the following advantages:
• Longer tool service lives
• Improved dimensional integrity of the machined workpiece
• Tighter machining tolerances
• Reduced surface roughness
• Elimination of the widespread problem of ‘rattling’ (tool chatter)

These are used for cutting grooves and profiles. Shaping tools are manufactured with shaft and shaft-cutting wheels or are manufactured in bell form. They can be coated in any desired way.
Your benefit
Shaping tools enable profiles to be shaped, even on CNC turning machines.
The length of the shaping tool must be sufficient for the workpiece in question (at the lower end of the spline, the shaping tool must emerge from the material to enable the swarf to tear away properly). Long thin internal splines are difficult to shape, so splines deep inside bores should be avoided.